turning the tides
Some of you may already know, but this whole 'photo fun' stuff is NOT my primary business. In my 'real life' I'm a database administrator. Not very glamorous, I know, but it pays the bills and gives me the flexibility to be with my family and follow my hobbies. I'm grateful for my job, but right now, it's taxing me in many many ways. I'm tired. And a touch grumpy.
After a particularly bad day on the job front, I really wanted to start things off on a better foot the following day. I began with a declaration that 'today WILL be a better day' (or something to that effect). Then I treated myself to chocolate milk for breakfast. I dressed in a bright purple, comfy-but-cute blouse for work. I wore my favorite, oh-so-comfy-yet-makes-me-feel-pretty pair of jeans. And I changed my iPod mix to be-boppy type tunes from the 80s.
All of that DID have a positive effect on my attitude. A nice walk on a cool cloudy morning to take my boy to school didn't hurt either. He held my hand and cracked the kind of nonsensical jokes that 8 year olds seem to love. His mirth was downright contagious.
Works was work (when is it not, right?), but I thought I might step out at lunch and try something new. Alas, those plans didn't quite pan out, but I spent a little time on my lunch break (such that it was) clicking through some old photos. The ones that ALWAYS bring a smile to my face. I thought I'd share a few of them here w/ you.
My babe at 5 months old (those eyes STILL get me):
bar-b-que chicken!
preschool graduation:
Mr. Sily:
my BIG guy and me:
my grandparents:
us, again:
There were a lot more, of course, but I will save more for another day. I can ALWAYS use a pick-me-up.
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