Wednesday, January 16, 2013

P52 - Week 3 - B&W

This week's theme for the P52 challenge is 'black & white conversions.'

What makes a good b&w conversion for you?

My thoughts on this have changed through the years. In the past, I have craved high contrast b&w images with lots of true whites and blacks.

I went through a stage where I was craving a more subtle conversion. In fact, a lot of times I would only partially desaturate my images so that just the slightest hint of color was still visible. I have played with color overlays and sepia tones.

These days, there is no telling what flavor of b&w processing I will employ with any given photo.

For today's example, I fell near my original leanings - lots of contrast - though I hope it is not too much. The strings on his bow look a bit bright. I may have to go back and give this a second (or third or ...) attempt to find just the right conversion process.

For comparison's sake, here is the color image before processing:


About This Blog

I'm a proud mom of a very active little boy. I have truly enjoyed the opportunity to document the many milestones throughout his life so far. These moments are precious to me. So I grabbed a camera and snapped away. I dabbled a bit in scrapbooking and took some time to learn at least the basics of photography. After all, kids grow so fast and you can't turn back the time.

But as he got old enough for school and team sports, I was so very disappointed in the offerings out there. I'm proud of my All Star in every thing he pours his heart into!

So I picked up a copy of Photoshop and tried my best to create momentos to capture these memories.

I'd love a chance to help you stop time for a moment as well.


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