P52 - Week 3 - B&W
This week's theme for the P52 challenge is 'black & white conversions.'
What makes a good b&w conversion for you?
My thoughts on this have changed through the years. In the past, I have craved high contrast b&w images with lots of true whites and blacks.
I went through a stage where I was craving a more subtle conversion. In fact, a lot of times I would only partially desaturate my images so that just the slightest hint of color was still visible. I have played with color overlays and sepia tones.
These days, there is no telling what flavor of b&w processing I will employ with any given photo.
For today's example, I fell near my original leanings - lots of contrast - though I hope it is not too much. The strings on his bow look a bit bright. I may have to go back and give this a second (or third or ...) attempt to find just the right conversion process.
For comparison's sake, here is the color image before processing:
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