Monday, May 2, 2011

P52 - Week 17

I'm a little late getting this posted, but not as bad as I have been. So I'm going to get it up here and hope no one minds. :+)

Most years, Easter egg decorating day falls on Good Friday for us. This is due to the fact that most years it's a school holiday for my boy. This year however, it was not (make up day for our ice day back in February). So we had to switch plans a bit.

I picked him up early from school and we hit the stores for our supplies. Unfortunately, we had to take a bit of a break after that as my pager went off while we were still shopping. Duty calls and you have to answer, even on Good Friday.

ANYWAY ... things slowed down enough that we could return to our decorating by late evening. We decided to start with the plastic eggs. We haven't really used plastic eggs in years past, but thought we would add them this year for a little fun. Saturday we got down to the business of the real eggs and we had an extra treat this year. Since we weren't decorating on Good Friday, Daddy got a chance to join us in the fun!!!! He helped with the plastic eggs on Friday evening as well, but I think we all had a lot of fun with the dye on Saturday.

In the end, Logan made up characters for all of the plastic eggs and then stories for all of the real eggs. We had a 'Count Olaf' plastic egg. A golden snitch too. And some really interesting dino eggs among the real things (have YOU ever seen a 'pinkasarus rex' egg?).

I look forward to egg decorating every year. The search on Sunday is always a blast too, but for me, decorating is the high point. I'm already researching different techniques for next year. Should be FUN!


About This Blog

I'm a proud mom of a very active little boy. I have truly enjoyed the opportunity to document the many milestones throughout his life so far. These moments are precious to me. So I grabbed a camera and snapped away. I dabbled a bit in scrapbooking and took some time to learn at least the basics of photography. After all, kids grow so fast and you can't turn back the time.

But as he got old enough for school and team sports, I was so very disappointed in the offerings out there. I'm proud of my All Star in every thing he pours his heart into!

So I picked up a copy of Photoshop and tried my best to create momentos to capture these memories.

I'd love a chance to help you stop time for a moment as well.


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